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Trump’s Repeating Donation Tactics Led to Millions in R...
Donald Trump and the Republican Party returned $12.8 million to donors in the first half of the year, a sign that their aggressive...
As Democrats Seethed, White House Struggled to Contain ...
The president was surprised by the reaction to the White House’s decision to ask Congress to extend an eviction ban, leading to a ...
Former Acting Attorney General Testifies About Trump’s ...
The testimony highlights the former president’s desire to batter the Justice Department into advancing his personal agenda.
Opinion: Trump Supporters Plan to Return To the Capitol...
A group of Trump supporters promise they are “going back to the Capitol” to protest in support of what they claim are the “politic...
Halo Infinite, Nier Reincarnation, And Microsoft Flight...
Click to watch embedded media In this week's episode of The Game Informer Show, we discuss a handful of games we've been digging r...
Yes, Lake Tahoe Chipmunks Have the Plague. But Don’t Wo...
California officials closed some popular trails and nature areas for the week to handle the problem. The trails are expected to re...
Justice Dept. to Investigate Phoenix Police
The inquiry will look at whether the police discriminate against minorities or mistreat homeless people or disabled people.
Some School Districts Are Defying State Bans on Mask Ma...
School officials in Florida and Arizona say they intend to require students and teachers to wear masks in school, despite statewid...
Biden signs a bill awarding Congressional Gold Medal to...
Congress passed the bill this week amid reports of the suicides of two officers who had been at the Capitol on Jan. 6.
Greg Abbott Calls Texas Special Session, in New Voting ...
Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, called a new special session of the State Legislature, putting pressure on Democratic lawmakers to...
Infrastructure Bill Would Add $256 Billion to Deficit, ...
Despite the Congressional Budget Office’s estimate that nearly half of the legislation would not be paid for, senators were racing...
Novavax Says U.S. Will Pause Funding for Production of ...
The Maryland company, which has a $1.75 billion federal contract to develop and produce a coronavirus vaccine, said it needed to a...