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Why Biden Might Avoid the Policy Sinkhole That Swamped ...
By enacting big spending initiatives under the auspices of pandemic relief and infrastructure, and avoiding health care, President...
Among Mormon Women, Frank Talk About Sacred Underclothe...
Frustrated by itchy, constrictive church-designed garments, they are asking for better fit, more options and “buttery soft fabric....
Life Expectancy in U.S. Dropped 1.5 Years in 2020, Larg...
The 18-month drop was the steepest decline since World War II, according to federal statistics. Black and Hispanic Americans were ...
Britain's Met Office Issues Its First-Ever Extreme Heat...
The warning system is new, an acknowledgment that climate change is warming a nation not known for balmy temperatures.
Drought in Utah Town Halts Growth
Groundwater and streams vital to both farmers and cities are drying up in the West, challenging the future of development.
Biden Legal Team Decides Inmates Must Return to Prison ...
When the pandemic ends, thousands in home confinement will be recalled unless Congress acts or Biden issues mass commutations.
3 Generations, 8 Families: What the Condo Collapse Took...
“They were people who you had prayed with.” A congregation and its priest, their faith tested, focus on healing and remembering th...
Chemicals at Splashtown Water Park in Texas Sends 26 to...
One person was in critical condition after the victims were exposed to bleach and sulfuric acid, which are used to maintain pH bal...
Fear, and Discord, Among Asian Americans Over Attacks i...
A string of attacks against older people of Asian descent has led to calls for more police officers, an idea rejected by the city’...
The Ascension of Ron Klain
President Biden’s chief of staff worked his whole career to reach the corner office of the West Wing. He says he’s just a “staff p...
Wary and Weary, Los Angeles Largely Accepts Restored Ma...
Los Angeles County on Sunday became the first major county to revert to requiring masks for all people indoors in public spaces.
Biden Administration Transfers Its First Detainee From ...
The Biden team picked up where the Obama administration left off with the repatriation of a Moroccan man, reducing the prison popu...